World Vison
Give more. Act more. Pray more. Until there is ENOUGH.

Compassion International Philippines
Release a Child from Poverty in Jesus’ Name

Far Eastern Broadcasting Company
1 out of 3 people in the world have little to no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to reach them.

Zuellig Family Foundation
The Institute for Health Leadership is the learning and development arm of the Zuellig Family Foundation

Norwegian Mission Alliance Philippines
"Nurturing children and families for God's glory!" (Isaiah 29:23)

Christian Stewardship Association
We believe that God owns everything, and we are merely stewards of all that is entrusted to us. That includes our talent, time, treasure, and all of life.

Center For Community Transformation
The Social Transformation Partner of the Evangelical Community

Asian Theological Seminary
Transforming Leaders for the Church and the World

Philippine Christian Literature, Inc.
We provide books and resources that will nurture spiritual growth and develop Christ like values, attitude and perceptions in our daily living

Development Academy Of The Philippines
Academy’s human resource development programs, research, data collection, and information services as well as to consistency of its research, education, and training with the National Government’s socioeconomic agenda.

Up Manila School Of Health Services
"Nurturing children and families for God's glory!" (Isaiah 29:23)

Visions Of Hope Christian School
CCT- Visions of Hope Christian School was founded in 2011 to provide education to children and youth from the poorest of the poor communities as one way of helping the country break the generational cycle of poverty.

Pts College And Advance Studies
Spirituality and Academic Excellence Adaptable. Accessible. Innovative Learning

Good Shepherd Christian School
Good Shepherd Christian School is guided by the Biblical philosophy of “Training a child in the way he should go, for when he is old he shall not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

UCCP Tacloban
All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord. And all the families of the nations will worship before You Psalm 22:27

The Cosmopolitan Church
Academy’s human resource development programs, research, data collection, and information services as well as to consistency of its research, education, and training with the National Government’s socioeconomic agenda.

St. John United Methodist Church
"Nurturing children and families for God's glory!" (Isaiah 29:23)

The Lord’s Assembly
At The Lord’s Assembly, we inspire individuals of all ages and backgrounds to bring the Lord Almighty into their lives at every moment – moments of joy, moments of despair, and even those moments in between.

United Church Of The Good Shepherd
Academy’s human resource development programs, research, data collection, and information services as well as to consistency of its research, education, and training with the National Government’s socioeconomic agenda.

Sampaloc Bible Christian Community
‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Luke 10:27

Urban Neighborhood Ministry
Urban Neighborhood Ministry Manila is an outreach ministry of the United Evangelical Church of the Philippines (UECP) to the urban poor around the city of manila. This church is committed to raising up Christlike disciples who make Christlike disciples.