
Corporate Services

We offer our EDV process to corporate clients and apply it to our training and consultancy services for their Strategic Planning, Project Management, Staff Development and Team Building to achieve better and more sustainable results.

Strategic Planning

We facilitate strategic planning using the process of Asset-based Planning and Appreciative Inquiry approach. This is a strengths-based approach that allows an organization to plan for and create its future through collaboration, shared understanding, and a commitment to action.

Project Management

We will equip your organization with the skills to manage your projects and programs with focus on results and performance. Your people will be trained to use important tools and techniques to ensure the successful implementation of the projects and programs.

Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation System

Your organization needs a system to monitor, evaluate and measure the results of your projects and programs. We will help you set up an RME system to guide you in the improvement of your on-going and future projects.

Events Planning

We begin with determining the objective that the sponsoring organization wants to achieve. Our goal is to make sure the planning and execution of your event runs as smoothly as possible, while providing outstanding customer service.

Staff Training

We focus on the abilities of people. We highly value your existing knowledge and experiences, and reality at work. Our aim is to provide training that fits your contexts and needs in designing, developing and delivering training solutions and staff development programs.

Staff Training

We focus on the abilities of people. We highly value your existing knowledge and experiences, and reality at work. Our aim is to provide training that fits your contexts and needs in designing, developing and delivering training solutions and staff development programs.


We partner with Christian organizations to strengthen their leaders and members by engaging their thoughts, disciplining their lives, and vitalizing their ministries, through discipleship training, leadership mentoring and organizational consulting.


We will help you set up your fundraising department and train your people to assess your organization’s capacities and potential and build nurturing relationships with your donors. Then we will introduce disciplines, tools and best practices suited to develop sustainable fundraising plans to strengthen your organization to reach your vision and mission.

Leading Bible Stories

It is important for your people to know how to study the Bible and lead Bible studies. We can help you develop and design Bible Study guides that are creative, participatory, holistic and anchored on your vision and goals. Our training will equip your people to lead dynamic Bible discussions aimed toward a deeper spiritual understanding and closer relationship with the Lord.

Small Group Ministry

Small groups have played a vital role in the growth of the church and her members. Our team will train you to develop curriculum and discipleship guides for your small group leaders and members that are customized in your context. We will train you how to lead and facilitate small group meetings that are exciting, interactive, and life-changing.

Youth Ministry

With our vast, hands-on experience in ministering to the youth for 14 years, we have tools and capacities that will help you understand them, design discipleship programs, train and mentor potential leaders, and enable you to have a sustainable and growing youth ministry.

Worship Team

Our team can help you assess your capacities and offer trainings that will enhance your worship team. We can assist you in developing your team and provide discipleship guides focusing on worship. Our topics include essentials of worship, team playing/leading, choosing songs that are Biblically correct, music arranging and even songwriting.

Devotional Guides

We develop customized devotional guides to meet the needs of your staff and ministries. Our guides are tasks-based, and address the three domains of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

Monitoring the Millenials

Millennials are the teens and twenty-somethings who are making the passage into adulthood in the new millennium. They are confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and receptive to new ideas and ways of living. The Millennial generation is enthusiastic about the technological and communication advances of the past decade. Now, they compose the workforce and are in leadership positions. They are in need of mentoring and guidance on how to anchor their identity in the Lord and live out Christlikeness amidst the world standards and vast changes.

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